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Starter Solenoid Relay - Fixes A Clicking Starter

Starter Solenoid Relay - Fixes A Clicking Starter

Catalog Number: LP18236 | IH Number: Relay
Year(s):  1950 - 1980
Make stater work every time.
Are you tired of wondering if your Loadstar will start after you parked it in front of the in-law's house? :)
Does your International truck or Loadstar periodically click when you turn the key.
Mine sure does. I put in a new starter and a new battery and neither fixed the problem.
We have figured out the problem. The wires are getting old and not sending a full 13.5 volts to the starter. This relay kit fixes this problem.
The relay comes pre-wired for installation with labels on the wire.
Most slow starting comes from aging of your wiring harness. This kit provides a clean clear maximum voltage directly from your battery to the starter.

Kit includes: Starter relay and wiring harness.
Step 1. Disconnect Battery.
Step 2. All you have to do is, screw relay into firewall and attach 4 wires.
Step 3. Attach relay and green wire to fire wall.
Step 4. At the starter solenoid Attach the Red wire to the main big post that has the big wire that goes to the battery.
Step 5. At the starter solenoid remove the white #17 wire and replace with the yellow wire.
Step 6. Attach the blue wire to the existing white #17 wire that you just removed from the solenoid.
You are done.

This is what you do:
Red wire goes to either battery or the big main terminal on the starter solenoid.
yellow outputs full battery voltage to the "S" on the Starter solenoid.
Not used -orange (if you have one)
Blue wire connects to old starter wire
Green wire must be grounded.

This kit is not intended for use with 6 volt systems.
Price:  $68.78 each
See Also
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Loadstar Door To Body Weatherstrip Kit W/ Windlace - 2 Door Kit
1/2" Breather, Booster, & PCV Hose
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Call to Order: 866-235-1979
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