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Axle PartsSeals

Outer Front Axle Oil Tube Seal

Outer Front Axle Oil Tube Seal

Catalog Number: LP13619 | IH Number: 427806C91
Year(s):  1972 - 1980
This is the oil or grease seal that goes between the back side of the spindle and the axle yoke. This wears out fairly quickly, especially in dusty or wet situations. These also get old and cracked, and cannot do their job properly, allowing water into the spindle bearings, causing the outer axle shaft to rust or brinnell, as well as failure of the spindle needle bearing. This should be replaced during every front end rebuild and whenever you repack your wheel bearings.

There are two of these per vehicle.
Price:  $24.48 each
See Also
Silicone Gasket Sealer, Copper Formula
Decal shift pattern transmission paragraph - 2751164R3
Rear window seal, 2 door cab - 162305R1
Contact Cement - Weatherstrip Adhesive "Glue"

Call to Order: 866-235-1979
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